Nicetas the Goth

Nicetas (Russ. Никита Nikita, Ukrain. Микита, from Greek Νικήτας Niketas) is a Christian martyr of the 4th century, venerated above all in Russia. His feastday is 15 September.

Nicetas, a Gothic soldier, lived in the Danube region at the margins of the Byzantine Empire. Presumably, he received his Greek name in occasion of his baptism. With Ulfilas he cooperated in converting the Goths to Christianity. In the conflict about religion and leadership among the Goths, he fought against the pagan king Athanaric and was condemned to the stake in 372.

Legend tells, that the devil, shaped as an angel, induced Nicetas to sacrifice to the pagan gods for saving his life; Nicetas, however, put him to flight by means of prayer and assisted by archangel Michael.

In Russia, Ukraine and Serbia, there are several churches and monasteries named after St Nicetas.
